Social networking allows you to reach out to potential customers without spending exorbitant amounts of money on advertising while staying in touch with current customers. Having a presence on a popular social network suggests to people that your business is on the cutting edge or at least is able to keep up with the changing times. Using social networking to promote your business has many advantages but also requires some dedication and work on your part.


Connecting with Current Customers

Using a social network allows you to connect with or “friend” those who already make use of your services. Convince current customers to join your network by posting a flier about it at your place of business. Print the web address of your preferred network on your next batch of business cards. If you run a store, slip small postcards in shopping bags when customers purchase something, encouraging them to find your business on your network of choice. Depending on the network you use, current customers can “check in” at your business whenever they visit, letting others know that they are there and spreading the word about your company.

Finding New Customers

A social network gives you the chance to reach out to new customers, as well. One way to use your social network to find new customers is to reach out to current ones. Tweet or post on your wall, offering a special discount to current customers for every new person who follows or likes your business. Also offer new friends or followers a discount on your services if they join your network.

Open Communication

A social network lets you inform friends or followers of secret sales or special offers quickly and simply. It also allows customers to contact you easily. If a customer has an issue, she can post on your wall or write a short message explaining the problem. This allows you to respond quickly and attempt to ameliorate the situation. Customers also can post positive experiences with your company on your page, which is one of the best types of advertising. You also can use the site to ask your customers what they like and dislike about your company or about the world in general.


Almost all social networking sites are free to use and put you in direct contact with potential customers without you having to pay a penny. You may only need to send an email to current customers, asking them to join, follow, like or friend you, to get things under way. If you have a small budget for advertising, you may wish to purchase an advertisement that appears on the social networking site. The advertisement will appear on the pages of those whose profiles fit in with your company’s style or goals. Usually the cost of an online advertisement is less than an advertisement in print or television.